Flash Fiction Winners

We had a great response to this competition which was judged by Peter Urpeth of Hi-Arts.

The high standard of entries to both the adult and junior sections made Peter's job a tricky one but the winners, announced at various events over the course of the weekend were as follows:

Adult winner 'Bed and Breakfast' by Mr. J Davies
Adult 2nd prize 'A Midsummer Night's Opera' by J. Dove

Junior winner 'Adopted' by K. Bradley
Junior 2nd prize 'Winter Scare' by M. Ross

Thanks to all who entered for their literary efforts!

Free buses - Friday 17th September

Dihaoine 17 Sultain 2010

FREE BUSES leaving 18:45 from Acharacle Shop, Ardgour Shop and Lochaline Stores.
Departing the Sunart Centre at around 23:00

Please note that the return 23:00 service is entirely dependent on passengers boarding at 18:45!